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The first round of scholarship grants will be awarded on Christmas Day, 2024.

*Any applications submitted after 12/17/24 will automatically be added to our Scholarship Waitlist. We strongly encourage you to buy a ticket before the next price increase and before we sell out. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be fully refunded what you paid for your ticket.  

In 2024, we awarded 72 scholarships to people in need. Many of our recipients were from the TriState area and several were from around the world. Special thanks to our Gay & Sober patrons for their generous financial support.  

A special note about scholarships: Scholarship recipients are treated no different from a paid participant. Only the Registrations Chair, Volunteer Coordinator and Conference Chair will know who has been awarded a scholarship. We find that this practice adds to a healthy and spiritual experience for everyone at GSM+. 

*Scholarships are granted to anyone, anywhere in need. However, newcomers in their first year of sobriety are given high priority. Scholarships are for all Conference events, meetings, and activities. Scholarships do not include food, travel, or lodging at the host hotel. We recommend sharing a room at the host hotel to save on costs. Click here to learn about our roommate pairing service. Book your flights early to save on costs or consider having someone in the rooms sponsor your travel. Scholarships also do not include the separate RoundDown on Fire Island. You may not transfer your scholarship to someone else. 

**NEW YORKERS: To those in the New York City area that never heard about scholarships, tickets, or service opportunities... 

That is because certain individuals at the Red Door Group, Greenwich Village Group of AA, and NYCMA groups prevented the information from getting announced in meetings or posted on sober Facebook groups. We encourage you to make your voice heard at your home group's business meetings and advocate that these type of recovery related announcement be allowed in meetings, groups and Facebook pages. NOTE: In Los Angeles AA & CMA groups, they announce "recovery related announcements". You may also speak to Jason P., Marty G., Glenn P., Bradley L., David F., Anastacio A., Pat McT., and Paul V. in New York. Those individuals are another reason you may not have heard about scholarships or service opportunities.

Remember, "fellowship is an important part of the program".

Participants that received a scholarship in 2024 are not eligible for a 2025 scholarship. This gives new people a chance to enjoy the events we offer.


What fellowship are you a part of?
Are you a member of the Gay & Sober Members Facebook group?
Are you willing to volunteer while at the conference?
Have you attended the conference before?

Thank you. We'll let you know.

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