¡Delta Air Lines se complace en ofrecer descuentos especiales para la Conferencia de Hombres Gay y Sobrio!
Delta ofrecerá un descuento de hasta un 10% en vuelos para ayudarlo a ir y volver de la ciudad de Nueva York para disfrutar de las mejores vacaciones sobrias para conferencias. Sugerimos volar el miércoles 23 de junio y salir el lunes 28 de junio o el martes 29 de junio después de nuestro RoundDown en Fire Island.
SOLO PARA MIEMBROS DEL COMITÉ: La Cena del Equipo 2021 será el miércoles 23 de junio a las 6 pm en Patrick's.
1. Las reservas y la venta de boletos están disponibles a través de www.delta.com/meeting .
2. Ingrese el código de reunión NY2YU en el cuadro Código de evento de reunión provisto.
Sugerencia para la resolución de problemas: haga esto desde una PC o computadora de escritorio.
También puede llamar a Delta Meeting Network® al 1.800.328.1111
* De lunes a viernes, de 7:00 a. M. A 7:30 p. M. (CT) y consulte el código de evento de reunión NY2YU
Para reservar su vuelo con Delta, haga clic aquí .
O puede hacer sus propios arreglos de viaje preferidos.

7. If you are using hook-up Apps like Grindr, be careful. The Hell's Kitchen neighborhood is very gay. But along with that comes drugs and high-risk behavior. When seeking sex, we urge you to be careful if you decide to travel or host. The last thing you want from a sober vacation is to re-enact scenes from The Hangover.
If you are having a guest to your room, you'll need to go down to the street level to escort the person up to your room.
8. Do not count your cash where other's can see. And don't carry a lot of cash. It's just more money to lose in case something bad happens. Split it up. Use the safe at the hotel room. And don't show off your new flashy iPhone - that will make you a target.
9. Watch out when getting money out at ATMs - check who's behind you, as these are good places to get robbed. Use the ATM at the host hotel.
10. Do not get into unmarked cars. Only use Uber, Lyft, Qaar, BlackLane or a Yellow Taxi. Remember, only 4 passengers to a taxi or most Ubers. We also advise not using Pedicabs or Rickshaws. They aren't safe and are known to surprise tourists at the end of a trip with expensive fees. Masks may be required when in the car.
11. Don't leave valuables unattended - they will literally disappear.
12. Keep belongings secure - dangling bags, shoulder straps, all that stuff - make sure it's ON you. Not hanging OFF you.
13. Don't eat that hot dog - We strongly advise you to not consume street food from carts or trucks.
14. Beware the bicycle - Always look both ways when crossing the street. Those bicyclists and scooters won't stop and have hit pedestrians before.
At the end of the day, New York is an amazing city. It's not an episode of Law & Order, SVU or a war-zone. There ARE things to look out for, but most of the things that you may fall for or be a victim of are easily avoidable and violent crime is not something that often involves tourists. Just make sure you travel smart and keep an eye on your belongings - and who's around you. Use your noggin and have a blast!
**Por favor tenga en cuenta. Existe riesgo de exposición al COVID-19 en cualquier lugar o alojamiento público. COVID-19 es una enfermedad extremadamente contagiosa que puede causar enfermedades graves y la muerte. Como participante informado, usted asume voluntariamente todos los riesgos relacionados con la exposición al COVID-19. Para obtener información sobre los protocolos de salud y seguridad de Gay & Sober, HAGA CLIC AQUÍ .