New Jersey is just across the Hudson River from Manhattan. Newark International Airport (EWR) has some low airfares compared to JFK or LaGuardia Airports.
The hotel is at 43rd Street and 8th Avenue.
Here are four ways you can travel from Newark Int'l Airport to Manhattan. Which method to use depends on your budget and any time constraints you may have.
1. Taxi - Cabs are curbside waiting to pick up fares. The fare will cost around $60, tolls not included and don't forget the tip. This a convenient method, but not cheap. 30 Min trip.
2. Uber or Lyft - This is a great way to travel, though it’s not inexpensive. Approx $80. 30 min travel time.
3. AirTrain -With AirTrain and New Jersey Transit, you can travel for as little as $10 per person and it only takes half an hour.
Take the AirTrain to AirTrain Station where you can catch a New Jersey Transit train to 33rd St. Penn Station (except between 2am and 5am). This is 11 short blocks from hotel. A 12 minute walk.
4. Do NOT get into any black cars without first asking "how much will I be charged in total?”. Anyone who approaches you and offers you a ride is breaking the law and trying to rip you off.