任務: Gay&Sober的任務很簡單–為清醒的LGBTQ社區提供安全,有趣和豐富的體驗。我們的主要目的是鼓勵團結並提高人的素養。
我們的會議代表來自世界各個角落的12個步驟計劃。對於那些熟悉以前的Hot N Dry或YPAA活動的人,您會喜歡我們提供的能量!
起源:什麼開始作為Facebook上的私人團體在2009年夏天被稱為同性戀及男性清醒,蓋伊和清醒的迅速增長成為了現在這是一種社會化媒體的最大恢復組。 Gay&Sober已擴展為提供每晚在線會議,每月免費的LGBTQ社區編程,會議以及民族自豪感慶祝活動的正式組成部分。 Gay&Sober是負責組織會議的非營利性非營利組織,它定期舉行機管局會議,並且是研究金的一部分-但是,我們歡迎並歡迎所有研究金的成員和朋友-包括麻醉品匿名,水晶蛾子匿名的研究金和AL-Anon。**
2011年6月,一家名為Queer&Sober的非營利性公司在紐約的“驕傲週末”舉辦了為期三天的獎學金活動,其中包括在“驕傲週日”進行的巡遊。在Christian P.,Keith B.,David C.和Jackson S.的指導下,Queer&Sober於2011年至2013年運營。2013年7月,Queer&Sober停業,但《傲慢週末》的精彩傳統是如火如荼。 2014年10月,男子活動棕櫚泉的Hot'n Dry宣布將於2015年9月舉行歡送會。克里斯蒂安是Facebook小組的管理員,看到了一個獨特的機會來發起新的,重新想像的冒險。 2015年6月,Gay&Sober Men's Facebook小組的成員幾乎一致投票通過了第一次會議。下一個大問題在何時何地。立即想到了費城,華盛頓特區和紐約等目的地城市。在2016年1月,該小組投票表決並宣布它將在紐約市舉行會議,並將與《驕傲週末》同時舉行。 2016年3月,Big Apple綜述的Jerry X.在Facebook上宣布,感恩節週末30年後,Big Apple綜述將從感恩節週末轉變為Pride Weekend。
*男女同性戀者大會上的重要年度會議得到了匿名戒酒協會( GaL-AA.org )的認可。 Gay&Sober Inc.是紐約州501c3免稅的非營利組織。所有捐贈和捐款均可抵稅。本著合作的精神,Gay&Sober贊助了AA,AL-ANON和CMA會議,分別捐贈和支持AA,AL-ANON和CMA。在每個大型每晚會議上都會收集一個單獨的第七傳統收藏,並直接發送給AA或CMA。 Gay&Sober Inc.沒有薪水的職位。整個組織由志願者經營。如果您想查看Gay&Sober的財務報表,請發送電子郵件至contact@gayandsober.org。
** Gay&Sober Inc.由AA和CMA的LGBT成員運營。都歡迎。該組織為來自兩個獎學金的人員提供服務。該組織根據我們的恢復計劃贊助年度研究金會議,並為全年提供研究金機會。我們努力遵守12個步驟,12個傳統規定的準則和原則,以及會議,公約和綜述的準則。我們的活動是由AA和CMA為AA和CMA創建的。像許多當地的Alano俱樂部和LGBT社區中心一樣,我們公司支持各種12步計劃。
Gay&Sober Inc.與Big Apple Roundup Inc.沒有關聯。Gay &Sober Inc.和Big Apple Roundup Inc.都是自治的和獨立的業務實體。正如機管局第三屆會議的長篇形式所描述的那樣,就像在其他綜述會上的會議一樣,由GSM協會在小組會議上召開的機管局主要會議宣布並認為自己是機管局小組。因此,Gay&Sober會議上的機管局會議每年都會做出特殊貢獻,以支持匿名者的工作。有關我們的財務支持的問題,請致電212-870-3400與酒精飲料匿名捐款部門聯繫。對於Crystal Meth Anonymous World Services可以說相同。

In June of 2011, a nonprofit company titled Queer & Sober conducted a three day fellowship event on Pride Weekend in New York - including a cruise on Pride Sunday. Under the direction of Christian P., Keith B., David C., and Jackson S., Queer & Sober operated from 2011 through 2013. In July of 2013, Queer & Sober closed, but the tradition of something wonderful on Pride Weekend was in full swing. In October of 2014, the men's event Hot 'n Dry in Palm Springs announced that it would hold it's farewell convention in September of 2015. Christian being an admin of the of the Facebook group saw a unique opportunity to launch a new, reimagined adventure. In June of 2015, the members of Gay & Sober Men's Facebook group voted almost unanimously to meet face to face at it's very first conference. Where and when was the next big question. Destination cities like Philadelphia, Washington DC, and New York immediately came to mind. In January of 2016, the group voted and announced that it would hold the conference in New York City and it would coincide with Pride Weekend. In March of 2016, Jerry X. from the Big Apple Roundup announced on Facebook that after 30 years on Thanksgiving Weekend, the Big Apple Roundup would be moving from Thanksgiving weekend to Pride Weekend.
*The big annual meeting at the Gay & Sober Men's Conference is recognized by the Association of Gays & Lesbians in Alcoholics Anonymous (GaL-AA.org). Gay & Sober Inc. is a tax exempt 501c3 New York State nonprofit. All donations and contributions are tax deductible. In the spirit of cooperation, Gay & Sober sponsored AA, AL-ANON, and CMA meetings donate and support AA, AL-ANON, and CMA, respectively. A separate 7th Tradition collection is taken at each big nightly conference meeting and sent directly to AA or CMA. There are no paid positions at Gay & Sober Inc. The entire organization is operated by volunteers. If you would like to see Gay & Sober's financial statement, please send an email to contact@gayandsober.org.
**Gay & Sober Inc. is operated by the LGBT members of AA & CMA. All are welcome. The organization serves people from both fellowships. The organization sponsors an annual fellowship conference based on our program of recovery and provides opportunities for fellowship throughout the year. We strive to adhere to the guidelines and principles set forth by the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, as well as the guidelines for conferences, conventions, and roundups. Our events are created for AA's & CMA's, by AA's & CMA's. Like many local Alano clubs and LGBT Community Centers, our corporation supports a variety of 12 Step programs.
Gay & Sober Inc. is not associated with the Big Apple Roundup Inc. Gay & Sober Inc. and Big Apple Roundup Inc. are both autonomous and separate business entities. As described in the long form of AA’s 3rd Tradition, and like meetings at other Roundups, the main AA meeting at the GSM Conference by group conscious declares and considers itself an AA group. As such, the AA meeting at the Gay & Sober Conference makes Special Contributions annually to support the work of Alcoholics Anonymous. Questions concerning our financial support can be directed to the Alcoholics Anonymous Contributions Department at 212-870-3400. The same can be said for Crystal Meth Anonymous World Services.
Big Apple Roundup is listed by AA as holding bi-weekly meetings at 208 W 13th St on the 1st Thursday and 3rd Sunday of every month. Questions concerning the Big Apple Roundup can be addressed to these meetings. The General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous has informed Gay & Sober that they do not have the authority to recognize any annual conference meetings, groups or roundups. A directory listing does not imply approval or endorsement of any group’s approach to or practice of the traditional AA program. The last Big Apple Roundup event was in June of 2019. It has since dissolved
*This event can be announced anywhere other roundups are announced.
The first three days of the conference is devoted to gay men in recovery.
On Pride Sunday all LGBTQ people are invited to participate.
Gay & Sober and it's special conference is not associated with the nonprofit business entity
Big Apple Roundup.
*Gay & Sober Men - The Conference is a 12 Step fellowship event.
*As described in the long form of AA's 3rd Tradition, and like meetings at other Roundups, the main AA meetings at the GSM Conference by group conscious declares itself an AA group. There is a separate 7th Tradition and that collection is donated to the AA General Service Office. To see proof from AA GSO, click here.
*As described in the long form of CMA's 3rd Tradition, and like meetings at other Roundups or Retreats, the main CMA meetings at the GSM Conference by group conscious declares itself an CMA group. There is a separate 7th Tradition and that collection is donated to the CMA World Services.
1. GSM offers AA meetings with invited AA speakers and AA participants..
2. GSM also offers CMA meetings with invited CMA speakers and CMA participants. .
3. Gay & Sober meets regularly and has meetings of the same name.
4. "Any two or three gathered in the name of sobriety may consider themselves a group."
5. 7th Tradition collections are donated to AA GSO and CMA World respectively.
6. Just like the LGBT Center, Gay & Sober is also a 501c3 nonprofit that facilitates and fosters 12 step work, meetings, and fellowship. Unlike the LGBT Center, there are no paid positions at Gay & Sober. It is run solely by unpaid, passionate volunteers.